

大宇資訊於近日公開旗下四間工作室目前正在研發之新作遊戲,其中包含:十年未出新作的《阿貓阿狗》改編手機遊戲《阿貓阿狗 最強同萌》、《天使帝國》改編《天使帝國 蕾絲幻想》手機遊戲、延續《大富翁 Online》精神最新作《Project R》Online Game(名稱暫定),其他還有全新作品《混沌封印 Seal of Chaos》(名稱暫定)等多款作品,官方表示未來除了持續研發新作之外,同時也積極向外尋求合適且優異的合作夥伴,進一步表示希望未來能將更多作品推向世界舞台。

※ 《阿貓阿狗》最新改編手機遊戲重量登場

大宇資訊在 1998 年推出了《阿貓阿狗》,本作是一款以貓狗動物為夥伴的角色扮演遊戲,遊戲以獨特的世界觀及精采的劇情見長,在當年刮起一股可愛旋風,而本次將推出的新作《阿貓阿狗 最強同萌》,其故事背景在《阿貓阿狗》的 20 年以後,從突發的狗群集體消失事件開始,新的邪惡勢力正潛伏著,玩家在遊戲中可以跟眾多特別的貓狗夥伴一起冒險,並且從中挑選出自己最愛的貓咪或狗狗,透過執行任務以及戰鬥來訓練、提升他們的能力,以組成自己專屬的同萌小隊。

官方指出,本作將會融合現代手機遊戲的直覺操作模式,加上傳統RPG的探索要素,以及寵物養成的策略要素,讓《阿貓阿狗 最強同萌》成為一款獨特的遊戲,並且透露目前遊戲內容的開發已接近完成,預計在近日就會正式與玩家見面。

※ 國產戰棋經典《天使帝國》再一創新新作

本次新作《天使帝國 蕾絲幻想》背景故事延續自《天使帝國 II》,描述二代的「瓦拉之戰」後,「瓦爾克麗」與「拉洛那」兩族統一後的和平,卻於一場名為「蕾絲革命」的顛覆行動而瓦解,官方表示本次作品的美術風格與舊作迥異,並且同時引進了 Live 2D 技術,製作團隊表示希望這樣的新技術可以讓玩家感覺耳目一新,可以在遊戲中體驗生動靈巧的角色。


※ 玩家熟悉的《大富翁》再臨手機平台

許多玩家耳熟能詳的《大富翁》是一款誕生於 1989 年的單機休閒遊戲,遊戲以極富策略性的玩法、豐富的道具系統以及刻畫細緻的人物博得無數玩家喜愛,而今日大宇資訊正式揭露由旗下工作室「奇幻城堡」目前團隊首款開發中的線上遊戲《Project R》,並且透露預計於 2017 年下半年問世。

本次預計將推出的新作將秉持著《大富翁 Online》精神,並且結合「MOBA 多人在線戰術競技遊戲」的遊戲要素,至多可同時4人協力戰鬥,玩家將化身為大富翁的參賽者遊歷各地,打敗其他參賽者成為真正的大富翁,此外玩家也將可以見到歷代《大富翁》曾經出場的經典角色,全新的原創角色也將會在《Project R》的世界現身。

※ 大宇旗下最新作《混沌封印》即將推出

本次推出的全新手機遊戲新作《混沌封印》是一款以即時珠盤玩法為核心的作品,玩家可以透過手指進行連線消除方塊,發動各式各樣的技能打擊怪物,此外更可以透過多樣的英雄技能組合,發動 COMBO 擊敗對手。


※ 大宇資訊 官方粉絲團

現金卡代償銀行 《金剛戰士》預告片幽冥女王亮相



雷亞新手遊曝光 電玩展開放試玩









「有病信貸試算 第一製作」電玩展公開商業概述


(中央社記者蔡怡杼台北20日電)2017企業最愛大學調查出爐,毫無懸念,公立大學由台大蟬聯奪冠,榜眼探花依序為成功、交大,私校排名則大搬風,除淡大持平第二名外,一、三名則分別由中原、逢甲奪下。 1111人力銀行最新公布「2017雇主最滿意大學」調查顯示,今年雇主最滿意的畢業生表現,公立大學仍由台灣大學蟬聯奪冠,成功、交通大學分別位居二、三名。 私立大學則由中原大學拔得頭籌,擊敗去年冠軍的輔仁大學,而淡江大學則和去年排名一致,穩座第二名,逢甲大學則進步兩個名次,今年拿下季軍。 在科技校院部分,公立的台灣科技大學、台北科技大學,實力伯仲之間,最後結果台科大以些微差距領先,冠、亞軍再度互換,高雄應用大學則挺進第三名,私立科大則以致理科技大學最亮眼,拿下龍頭寶座,朝陽科技大學位居亞軍,龍華科技大學表現不俗,擠入第三名。 同時,調查也發現,企業在聘用大學「新鮮人」意願方面,高達9成5願意進用新鮮人的接受程度相當高,願意進用的三大主因以「年輕有幹勁」、「具創新思考能力」及「積極有企圖心」為主。 至於不願意雇用的原因則是考量「抗壓性低╱訓練成本高」、「新鮮人上手太慢」及「忠誠度低,容易跳槽」,可見雖然新鮮人薪資較低,但相對地需要付出的教育訓練成本也較高,再加上無法立即上手以及工作穩定性低等考量,導致企業雇用意願不高。 1111人力銀行副總經理李大華表示,今年各類排名,有相關科系的學校,排名多有進步,例如交大、清大,各晉升一個名次。另外,私立一般大學、公立科技院校前三更被理工名校拿下,呼應今年企業對於科技人求才若渴的現況。 「2017雇主最滿意大學問卷調查」由時報周刊與1111人力銀行合作進行調查,調查時間為2016年12月1日至2016年12月20日,以網路問卷方式,針對有選才、用才權力的企業主管進行立意抽樣調查,總共回收2239份有效問卷。


COUNTERMEASURES: The TRA said another railway union has土地銀行土地貸款 agreed to work during the holiday and that it is training reserve staff to take over if neededBy Abraham Gerber and Shelley Shan / Staff reportersThe Taiwan Railway Union will follow through with its threat to “take a legal holiday” over the Lunar New Year to protest the Taiwan Railways Administration’s (TRA) unwillingness to negotiate labor terms, union members said yesterday in a Taipei rally.About 10 union members and their supporters gathered on the west side of the Taipei Railway Station building, shouting slogans and accusing the agency of forcing employees to work overtime during the holiday crunch next week.Union president Wang Jieh (王傑) said a petition to take time off during the holiday had been signed by more than 1,000 of about 4,000 employees responsible for station and train operations, vowing delays and cancelations in response to the agency’s refusal to negotiate over holiday shifts and overtime hours.“The work we normally do is that of laborers, not civil servants, but the TRA wants to use our status as civil servants to pin us down,” he said, adding that agency officials had threatened to mark employees who refused to work as “absent without leave,” violating a Ministry of Labor ruling.Civil servants and most other public employees are not governed by the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) and can be compelled to work over holidays under the Civil Service Act (公務員服務法).However, the Labor Standards Act states that in cases where workers are considered both civil servants and laborers, Civil Service Act standards apply to their salaries, retirement and insurance, “as well as other cases in which it provides better benefits” than the Labor Standards Act.“Even though we are considered both civil servants and laborers, our national holidays are supposed to be governed by the Labor Standards Act, which requires employers to ask workers whether or not they are willing to work,” Taiwan Railway Union secretary Hsiao Nung-yu (蕭農瑀) said.Union director Tseng Fan-ye (曾繁宇) accused the agency of trying to cut the number of platform staff, which he said could undermine safety because there would be fewer staff to monitor trains and passenger traffic.Hiring more employees to allow shift reductions has been a key demand of the union, which was founded last year to compete with the existing company union.Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications Wang Kwo-tsai (王國材) said after a Cabinet meeting yesterday morning that the agency would continue to communicate with the union and has been training reserve staff to fill a potential personnel shortage.“It would take time to address the union’s demands, such as increasing staff numbers. The TRA is working on meeting those expectations,” Wang said.The TRA has also discussed the situation with the company union, the Taiwan Railway Labor Union, which understands that some of its appeals are not going to be addressed immediately, Wang said.The group has said it will cooperate fully with the agency’s plan to transport homebound passengers during the holidays, he said.Asked about the possibility of 1,000 workers going on strike, Wang said that it would affect railway transport during the most important holiday of the year, but that the TRA has trained substitutes to meet a potential staff shortage.All reserve staff have undergone three months of training and served as apprentices for 10 to 14 days before being added to the work roster, the agency said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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